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De-Havilland DHC-5 Buffalo - Canada Просмотр ZIP-архива

dhc5cafx/READ ME before u fly.txt

DeHavilland DHC5 Buffalo Package for FSX 

All new FSDS2/3 design as of October 2008


Model & panel design by Jean-Pierre Brisard 
Textures and flight dynamics by Bob May

Comments and queries to support@premaircraft.com

Visit our web site www.premaircraft.com for more models and liveries.

This DHC-5 is a full package with panel and sounds.


1. FSX version is compatible with Acceleration/SP2

2. Not compatible with FS2004 or earlier


Install the zip files per the Instructions Below.



Extract all files into the FSX MAIN Folder using WINZIP or similar utility…

Make sure the " Use Folder Names " BOX is checked IN WINZIP. 

*New folders will be created and all files installed*

In Windows Vista you may have to temporarily disable 'User Account Control' to enable the creation of new folders.

1. Navigate to where you downloaded the zip file ( use the "My Computer Icon" on the Desk Top.

2. Double click with your mouse on the zip file.

3. WINZIP should Open and show all the files inside the zip.

4. Press 'CTRL A' and this will select all the files.

5. Click on 'Extract' in the Main Tool Bar above.
( Make sure the "Use folder names" box is checked)

6. Type in your path in the dialogue box, 

Or, browse to your FSX location…

7. Now Click on the 'Extract' Button in the upper right
(If it askes to overwrite...Say YES to all).....you're done.

Flying tips:

(1) FSX initializes with the wheel brakes off and the turboprop fuel control set to high.
This means that this model will start to move forwards a few seconds after initialization. To stop this
you must immediately set the parking brake ( Ctrl + . ) and then move the fuel control levers (orange top)
to the LOW position. There is just enough time to do this before she moves.

(2) When this is done the model will remain stationary when the brakes are released. Use very small amounts of power 
to taxi. When you are ready for take-off move the fuel control levers to high.

(3) After landing move the fuel control levers to LOW for taxiing.

* Help is available in the CHECK and REF lists of the kneeboard during (and before) flight.

* Use Shift-E to open the rear loading ramp. NOTE, when the ramp is lowered 
in flight the ramp stops at the horizontal, air drop, position. 
When on the ground the ramp lowers to ground level.

* Shift-E2 opens the side doors.

* Spoilers/airbrakes operate with the / key.

* The spinning propellers display best in flight when the prop pitch is reduced a little ( Ctrl-F2)

* To raise your seat higher in the VC - press CTRL+ENTER

* For best frame rates...Keep POPUP Windows closed when not in use.

* Set elevator trim to 00 for normal take-off...adjust as required for climb and cruise.

* For short take-off use 2 notches of flap.

* For best economical cruise set power levers (throttles) for 70% torque and prop levers (black) to 75% RPM.

* This aircraft is renowned for it's short field take-off & landing capability and , although it's not
officially sanctioned, display pilots use reverse thrust before touchdown to make steep approaches & very short landings.
Try it, but be prepared to disentangle yourself from the wreckage on your first few attempts. The trick is to manage the power,
flaps and air brakes during a steep approach so that you have about 80 kts IAS when you cross the runway threshold in level flight
at 10 feet altitude. Less height or speed and you'll land in the weeds or stall, more height and speed and you will probably 
overshoot short bush airstrips. Use reverse thrust immmediately on touch down, or a few seconds before if you're brave.

* Important... If using AUTOSTART.... Check to make sure the alternators are switched to ON after engine start.

     DHC-5 Specs 

     Wingspan: 96 feet
     Length  : 79 feet
     Height  : 28.7 feet
     Weight  : Empty 25,159 lbs / Maximum Take off 49,201 lbs
     Speeds  : Max Cruise 240 Kts IAS / Stall Speed with Flaps 72kts.
     Power   : Two 3,133 SHP GE C64 turboprop engines  
     Fuel    : 840 US Gal
     Range   : 954 Nautical Miles 
     Max Rate of Climb: 1,600 FPM at SL.
     Service Ceiling : 22,000 ft (this aircraft is not pressurized)


                          LEGAL NOTICE

1. These files are for free use and enjoyment of individual hobby flightsimmers but
   the copyright remains with us and any other persons who have contributed to the work.

2. The Panel files and gauges should not be altered and cannot be incorporated into other 
   shareware or freeware programs or published on any electronic or mechanical
   media anywhere in the world without our written permission. This includes
   CD's or other media offered free, whether as part of a commercial or non-commercial transaction.

3. REPAINTING. You may repaint this aircraft FOR YOUR OWN EXCLUSIVE use
   without seeking permission, but if you intend to upload the repainted aircraft to any
   web site or bulletin board, including a Virtual Airline site, then contact us first for
   permission. Just send a jpg screen shot.
   We reserve the right to check the files and documentation before publication.

Premier Aircraft Design
October 2008

Contact PAD for help at: support@premaircraft.com


Имя файла Дата Размер
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avsim_su.diz 17.09.2017 22:01 310 B
Итого: 36 MB
De Havilland DHC-5 Buffalo, Вооруженные силы Канады. Этот мощный, с двойным-турборежимом самолёт обладает потрясающими характеристиками STOL и используется как транспортный, так и поисково-спасательный самолёт. Задняя рампа загрузки открывается в положение сброса с воздуха и положение погрузки / разгрузки грунта. Полный пакет для FSX, панели, VC и пользовательских звуков. Полная анимация модели, включая анимированный летный экипаж. Летающие подсказки и html check / ref списки включены. Совместимость с ускорением / SP2 Жан-Пьер Брисард и Боб Май - дизайн самолетов Premier.
→ Размер: 21 MB
→ Дата: 7 лет назад (17.09.2017 19:10)
→ Автор: Premier Aircraft Design
→ Прислал: Bartolomeu79 (прислал 5 файлов )
→ Разрешил модератор: aiRoNe
→ Лицензия: Freeware - Бесплатная версия, распространение не ограничено
→ Скачан: 2901 раз